Århusgade 是一個豐富的酒紅色調,與 Norm Architects 共同開發,專為位於哥本哈根 Århusgade 的酒店與綜合空間 The Audo 設計。這個大膽的色彩向該港區的新巴洛克式磚砌建築致敬,並力圖保持室內與室外、過去與現在的聯繫。St. Leo 的 Århusgade 用其深紅色調包裹室內,營造出溫暖且富有個性的氛圍,特別適合用於酒店與商業空間。
Product type/
Available variants/
Essential Intense Matte
Use: Wall and ceiling
Gloss level: 2
Quantities: 100 ml, 2.5 L, 5 L
Coverage: 6-8 m2/L
Balanced Matte
Use: Wall and ceiling
Gloss level: 5
Quantities: 2.5 L, 5 L
Coverage: 6-8 m2/L
Sculptor’s Finish Silk Matte
Use: Wood and metal
Gloss level: 15
Quantities: 1 L, 2.5 L, 5 L
Coverage: 8-10 m2/L
Form Finish Semi Gloss
Use: Wood and metal
Gloss level: 40
Quantities: 1 L, 2.5 L
Coverage: 8-10 m2/L
Application instructions
We always recommend applying 2 layers of paint for best results and coverage.
Our application guides are available here
Safety and data sheets
Download our safety and data sheets here