Project - Dolomite Plaster in textural (2023)

Artworks by Angie Pai
Photography by A.S

Atelier Senseware 呈獻來自台裔澳洲藝術家 Angie Pai 的兩件原創作品。

這些作品以 Dolomite Plaster 細緻手工繪製,探索塗層作為藝術媒介的觸感表現。

Angie 的創作融合神經心理學的實證理論,探討連結所帶來的轉化力量。她汲取道家思想,結合個人靈性斷裂的生命經驗,以祖先文化的循環與內省視角表達。作為一名概念性畫家,他的作品顛覆傳統藝術史對流派與運動的嚴格定義。

透過刷具與抹刀手工塗抹 Dolomite Plaster,展現 St. Leo 產品的耐久性與觸感特質,使其成為藝術表達的一部分。

Product Type: Dolomite Plaster
Colour: Rue Bottero, Ancoats

St.Leo Interiors


Line Official 

Showroom Open Hour: 9:00-15:00 
No.196 Jianping 7St., Anping Dist., Tainan City,Taiwan 708

about us

Atelier.senseware is a thoughtfully curated space where Danish craftsmanship meets sensory innovation. Rooted in the philosophy of creating meaningful environments, our studio brings together exceptional brands and products that transform everyday living into an art form. 

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Join us at Atelier.senseware, where we celebrate the intersection of form, feel, and functionality. Together, let's shape spaces that resonate with beauty, purpose, and tranquility.